We encourage all individuals that are interested in our 2025 Guide Training to download and fill-out the North Country Rivers application and the Registered Maine Whitewater Guide Application. You can email, mail or fax the applications to North Country Rivers. North Country Rivers P.O. Box 633, Bingham, Maine 04920 info@northcountryrivers.com Call 800-348-8871 Fax 207-672-4176 Download links for both applications are at the bottom of this page. Spring Guide Training (1) Pre-training orientation meets at our base in Bingham, Maine at 3:00 PM, on Friday (May 16, 2025). On-River training will begin on Saturday (May 17, 2025) and continues through Sunday (May 25, 2025). CPR, First Aid, written examination and licensing will take place on Monday (May 26, 2025). CPR, First Aid and Written Examination CPR & Advanced First Aid will run from 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM, on Monday (May 26, 2025), at our base in Bingham, Maine. Whitewater guide written examination (May 26, 2025 at 3:00 PM) – After completion of the Whitewater Guide Training, First Aid and CPR, you will take a written test administered by the State of Maine – Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. Upon successful completion of the test, you will receive your three year license to be a Registered Maine Whitewater Guide and are eligible to work as a Whitewater Raft Guide for North Country Rivers.
Registration Payment – $439 payment to North Country Rivers to confirm guide training ($250), exam ($100) and license fees ($89). North Country Rivers accepts all major credit and debit cards, checks or money orders. Checks and money orders must be made payable to North Country Rivers. Documentation RequirementsTo process your registration, North Country Rivers must receive the following from you: * North Country Rivers application form (downloadable by PDF below) * Completed Guide Application form (downloadable by PDF below) * Two copies of your current CPR and First Aid Certifications (provided by YOU) or you can register for our CPR & Advanced First Aid Course on the last day of training * Payment of $439 MAIL, EMAIL OR FAX ALL FORMS TO: North Country Rivers P.O. Box 633, Bingham, Maine 04920 info@northcountryrivers.com Call 800-348-8871 Fax 207-672-4176 PAYMENT CAN BE MADE OVER THE PHONE WITH A CREDIT OR DEBIT CARD |